perginya seorang ulama'
بقلوب مطمئنة بقضاء الله وقدره تلقينا خبر وفاة الحبيب القدوة خليفة الأسلاف شيخنا الوالد الحبيب البركة بقية الخلف وبركة السلف القطب الحبيب العلامة/ عبدالقادر بن أحمد بن عبدالرحمن السقاف
وذلك في صباح يوم الأحد 20 ربيع الثاني 1431هـ الموافق 4 إبريل 2010م سائلين من المولى العلي القدير أن يخلفه بالخلف الصالح فينا وفي أولاده ...ومحبيه وأن يعيد علينا من أسراره وبركاته في الدارين قضاء جميع عمره في الدعوة إلى الله بلسان وحاله ومقاله وكلامه
وبهذا المصاب الجلل نتقدم بالتعزية إلى كل الأمة العربية والإسلامية ومحبيه هذا الحبيب العظيم ومن اتصل به أو اجتمع به أو أحبه أو كانت بينه أواصر المحبة والدعوة إلى الله
وأن يلهمنا ويلهم أهله وذويه الصبر والسلوان ولا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله العلي العظيم
وإنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون
Comforting the hearts of God's will we have received the news of the death of beloved ancestors sheikh Khalifa Kidwa beloved father behind the rest of the pond and pool advances Pole beloved tag / Abdul Qadir bin Ahmed bin Abdul Rahman Al-Saqqaf
The morning of Sunday, 20 Rabi II 1431 H, 4 April 2010, asking the Almighty Allah, to succeed Rear interest in us and in children ... and loved ones and re-us secrets and blessings in this world to make up all life in the call to God the words of the status and an essay, speech, And this ordeal we condolences to all the Arab and Islamic nation and the great fans of this beloved and called him or met him or love him or was with the bonds of love and the call to God And to inspire us and inspire his family and his family patience and solace and no power except in Allah the Almighty From God and to Him we shall return
Telah kembali ke rahmatullah seorang ulama' yang bernama Abdul Qader bin Ahmad bin Abdul Rahman Al-Saqqaf pagi tadi di Jeddah.
Siapa beliau?

Sheikh Saleh calling Allaamah Habib Abdul Qadir bin Ahmed bin Abdulrahman bin Ali bin Omar bin Sagaf ibn Muhammad ibn Umar ibn al-Taha Saqqaf, which we hope to God Almighty that He extends his age, chosen by the wealth and joys, and Idrzina in Khaddam doorstep, and are becoming Barakabh, in this life and in the Hereafter.
He was born in Siwn in the month of Jumada e 1331 and grew up in the lap of his parents, the emergence of the righteous are valid and Akram by parents. His father, Habib Ahmed bin Abdul Rahman Sayed Sharif and calling for the testimony of God working world's leading imams and saints. And his mother, Mrs. noble top muslim Habib Ahmed bin Mohammed Al-Jafari. Habib Abdul Qadir eyes were opened to a good environment for the betterment of the proximity of God, his vision of his father in prayer and fasting, education, work councils, and his mother clean precautionary parent educator, a follow Oradha night and day. Of these effects was a pattern of faith in the heart of Habib Abdul Qadir teenager. This method Ancestors who were in their homes Maisthm school where the children learn science is difficult to find after that. And I wish each one of us is keen to provide such an environment of pure faith in his own house is possible.
Return to the Habib Abdul Qadir, who started his request Buallamp Habib Taha bin Omar Bsiwn when Sheikh Mubarak bin Abdullah Taha Bahmid. In which Mr. Habib Abdul Qadir learn to read and write as well as to receive from his father, may God have mercy on him, and then remained under the care of his father and sitting with him that he joined the School of the scientific renaissance. Its name was aptly Indeed, Ashiyak Teachers and Scientists I choose curriculum and the Platform for Education and Islam and science. That was the recent management writer Riser Sheikh Ali bin Ahmed Bakathir. Received at this school Habib Abdul Qadir modern science and the interpretation and the Arabic language Baladtha multiple of Islamic jurisprudence and history and biography and some of the arithmetic, astronomy, and others. He also opened a special section of the school teaching the Koran, keeping the Habib Abdul Qadir Quran in not long. In spite of the rise of this school, however, that his father was a follow up and ask always what is received and guided by, and shall call him - and I wish today's men are asking their children what is happening in schools today degraded - as he also wished to read him a lot as well as to receive the school. And passed on this case day intensive lessons and readings even during the day and night could see the seal of the book read by his father. He also read out in that period to seven readings Sheikh Abdullah to postpone, as it is a teacher at the Renaissance. Featured in precedence and teaching mosque Taha bin Omar Bsiwn order of his father.
We understand that over the first elderly, and most of them, as well as in education and upbringing he and his father, Habib Ahmad bin Abdul Rahman Al-Saqqaf, but there the rest of the Senate, reminded Habib Abdul Qadir in his holiday to some of his followers are Habib Umar Bin Hamid Bin Omar Saqqaf Habib Umar ibn al-Qadir bin Ahmed Al-Saqqaf and Al-Habib Abdullah bin Aidroos Aidaroos and Al-Habib Abdullah bin Alawi al-Habashi and his beloved son Hussein and Al-Habib and Habib Bari Bencheikh Aidaroos and Al-Habib Muhammad bin Hadi Al-Saqqaf and Al-Habib Abdullah bin Umar ibn al-Hamid Saqqaf Habib Hassan Ismail Al-Sheikh Abu Bakr bin Salim, Habib Hamid Bin Alawi bar, and others.
The Left may God protect him leading the councils of science and teaching in various locations during his stay in Hadramout, especially after the death of his father Habib Ahmed bin Abdul Rahman 1357, e, and Omar Habib Abdul Qadir, then 21 years old, Vkbert Service responsibility upon himself encumbered advocacy and dissemination of science-Sharif, and to consider the poor and needy and condolences and to carry out missions of his family and the ties of kinship.
And years passed on this case, God forbid that the solutions to the political changes in South Yemen, the Socialists launched a fierce campaign to call for men and religion, especially the initial impact and influence. Mr. Habib Abdul Qadir was under house arrest Bsiwn like the clergy. And was obliged to register his name, morning and evening at police headquarters. Patient with Allah bless him and plotting to take out of the grip of socialism. That mocked him given one of the officials to help Fastkrj him permission to go out of Aden in the spring of the second of the year 1393 AH, and remained there a whole month that Tselt a chance to get out of the country to Singapore where he was greeted with joy and hospitality, and where he stayed for days, bus boards and deliberations, in the month Jumada I went to Indonesia, bringing a festive celebrations, and many councils in a number of places Kqrsi, Jakarta, Surabaya and Alsolo and Vasroan.
And Indonesia is directed beloved to the land of Hijaz, and was the beginning of stability, there is not a recent golden age, has already been pilgrimage before 6 times, and before completing the causes of housing and residence there, he went out on a journey missionary long to Lebanon and into Syria because Egypt and Nairobi and then to Kenya and the Comoros, Tanzania, and then returned to Kenya and come back in Ramadan 1394 AH to the Hijaz stable in Jeddah, and there widened the application around it, was the top all day session lesson at his home auspicious district influenza East you get when reading many of the books of modern mysticism and walk as administered by the discussions and talks in oddity issues and indecipherable language, the statement and the magnificent, literature, poetry and prose sentence. Also high on a number of other scientific councils held in Jeddah over the week, moving from place to place, and the Council to the Council. As you will find Yahya hearts in public events and celebrations, the noble calling of God Bmoazp good, citing the Koran and Hadith and stories of people, and a photographer, the reality of the painful and healer to Playa morals and ethics, whether it is appropriate in Jeddah or Makkah or good kind or in Taif and other cities that hosted To hear his tongue abundant, and in the month of Ramadan, kohl eyes and ringing in the ears every day in the "Rouha" to be held in the courtyard of his house, may God protect him and bring in groups in large numbers to take and draw upon.
It is fortunate that many of these lessons, sermons and unique memories recorded on tape, and I invite everyone to make sure they hear this tape, wherein science and Alhdo and interest is Yahya arid hearts.
It is worth mentioning that it was of great attachment to literature, poetry and wisdom since boyhood, Mtdhuqa and maintained. With poems reflect his taste for the high-intensity and knowledge of science and magnificent statement and offers a group in his office poetic. With stories and facts are nice, with the literature is not nine to list here, including that he had participated in a poetry competition held by the School Renaissance Bgosaid, was the outcome of the competition that won the beloved one and number two in the competition.
It should also be mentioned in the translation of Habib Abdul Qadir, his love existing in the hearts of people of all races, near and distant, corresponding to exhibitions, as you can see in the boards, several nationalities, in form and color, united in thought and content, and see the boards, the owners needs and employer issues and problems, and think it may God protect him willing to pay the same, time and spirit and health and helping them solve their problems.
And find the day goes out to people in Rouha weekly every Thursday, in spite of his age and hardship endured by for this, kohl eyes of attendance given to him, and ask for the spiritual compromise your heart where and vigor with which sends Lord in your heart, even like if the Council does not shake at all .
Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi roji3unn...
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